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CMMI Update: Webinar 2/8/24
CMMI Webinar
The CMS Innovation Center (CMMI) participated in an educational webinar for CMSS members on February 8, 2024. This webinar provides a unique opportunity to learn about CMMI, its priorities, current innovation models, and future plans and hear from CMMI leadership on ways specialty societies can participate in advancing CMMI strategy to support value-based specialty care.

Susannah Bernheim, MD, MHS, CMMI Chief Quality Officer and Acting Chief Medical Officer, and Jacob Quinton, MD, MS, MPH, CMMI Medical Officer, share CMMI's strategic plan and discuss how specialty societies can engage in these efforts.

For additional information, please see The CMS Innovation Center's Strategy to Support Person-centered, Value-based Specialty Care.
Availability: On-Demand
Cost: FREE
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